Meeting Info

….and Special Events

April 3, 2025
The Carter Payne
320 S Weber Street
Colorado Springs
6pm-8pm Dinner and presentation
Women in Afghanistan
Registration and details

Deadline to register is 5 pm, March 26, 2025.

March 8, 2025
International Women’s Day
Colorado Springs Marriott, 5580 Tech Center Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 80919, USA

June 6, 2024
Business and Entertainment Meeting.
Planning for the 2024-2025 Zonta year!
Doubletree Hilton Hotel, 1775 E Cheyenne Mountain Blvd.

May 2, 2024
Annual Awards Meeting
Patty Jewett Clubhouse (Photos of event under Scrapbook)

April 4, 2024
Business and Program Meeting
Guest Speaker from the Bloom House Residential Treatment Center and Homeward Pikes Peak

March Meeting – International Women’s Day

February 1, 2024
Business and Program Meeting
Guest Speaker: Lauren Pietrek with Girls on the Run – Girls on the Run of the Rockies (GOTR)

January 4, 2024
Business and Program Meeting – cancelled due to weather.


November 2, 2023
Program Meeting Register
November’s speaker is Jennisue Jessen with Compass 31. Ms. Jessen recently spoke to the Human Trafficking Task Force of Southern Colorado about Labor Trafficking in Africa. She will now share this presentation with us.
Join us on Nov 2 from 6 – 8 PM to hear more about Ms. Jessen’s story and the incredible women she has encountered along the way!

Deadline to register is October 26, 5 PM. (If you miss the deadline please contact us at to see if space is still available.)

We will be at Texas T-Bone Steakhouse again. Please select your meal and please make note of it so we can get the meal going quickly. Sorry, no substitutions or ordering from the menu. Also please note that your salad always comes with grilled chicken – no other meat, but you can select additional items at the restaurant. Thanks!

October 5, 2023
The Oct meeting will have some updates for our Human Trafficking Symposium efforts, International Women’s Day (IWD) updates, our new brochure (we hope), Women’s Expo sign up, and team fun.

September 7, 2023
The speaker was Amy Stretmater owner of Koru Street. Here is a bit about Amy…
For years I worked in the big bad ad world, selling dreams while putting my own on the backburner. In 2007 I decided to finally take a quantum leap of faith. Quit my job and take a trip around the world. Beginning my journey in “Lord of the Rings” country New Zealand, I fell in love with “Koru”, the Maori name given to the unfurling fern frond that symbolizes new life. I collected as many koru necklaces as my meager budget allowed to remind me of the new path I hoped to find for myself back at home in Chicago. As my trip through Asia came to an end, I ventured through the unadjective-worthy country of India where I happened upon the new “green” trend there to fashion waste materials into new products and provide employment for an unskilled workforce in the process. Once home, I launched “Koru Street” to bring these amazing products to the U.S. market.
After a few years of working with different organizations, I realized those run by and for women were run more effectively and were having a greater impact on the local people, so I shifted my focus to these. The organizations I have worked with most extensively and recently are both in South Africa: “Growing Paper”, which is run by the four female local founders and whose staff is approximately 75% women, and “All Women Recycling” which by the name is clearly an all-female workforce!
Join us on Sept 7 from 6 – 8 PM to hear more about Amy’s story and the incredible women she has encountered along the way!

August 3, 2023
Program Meeting Register
During this Program / Business meeting we will be hearing from Women Partnering, one of our recent service awardees. Women Partnering is a network of women from diverse backgrounds who respond to the unmet needs of financially vulnerable women and children in the Colorado Springs area. This network works with others to provide services to those financially vulnerable women and children, raise awareness of their plight and, where appropriate and subject to applicable IRS limits, advocate policy change on their behalf.

We will also have a bit of business to conduct – namely our budget and quick updates on our two projects: Backpacks for Reclaiming Hope and Human Trafficking Symposium support. Guests are welcome to this meeting!

Deadline to register is July 28, 5 PM.

June 1, 2023
Business Strategy Meeting Part 3

May 4, 2023
Awards Banquet 2023 – Information and registration

April 6, 2023
Business Strategy Meeting #2

March 4, 2023
International Women’s Day 2023 Celebration
The Pinery

February 2, 2023
Business Strategy Meeting: This is your opportunity to contribute to our club’s strategic plan for 2023 and the following years. The board invites you all to attend as each of us has valuable insights and ideas to assist the club.
Register today. Please note that as we are all seeing food prices rising, La Bella Vita too has raised its rates. The fee for the event is now $39.

January 12, 2023
This was our first event in the New Year with Guest Speaker, Dana Kirchmar!
Thirty years into a successful and what many would call an unimaginable STEM career, Dana found herself unemployed and completely lost—questioning everything that she had believed about herself and not having the slightest idea who she was without her job to define her. Dana is now channeling the lessons that she learned, some the hard way, to enable young women to not only have wildly successful STEM careers but to live the lives that they dream of.


December 1, 2022 Please Join Us for this fun Holiday Gathering of Friends and Family!
We know you won’t want to miss this fun event so please register today. We’d also like to encourage you to bring your spouse, partner or friends to this year’s gathering. We have informed La Bella Vita that we will have 30 attendees so that we can have the Venetian Room this year!
The festivities will include a Holiday Gift Exchange and attendees are asked to bring a wrapped gift (value $20) to participate.

November 3, 2022 Our November program will be informative and inspiring as we hear from Kathy Sparnins, our guest speaker for this event. Kathy’s 15 yr old sister was killed in a car accident by a careless driver and her father died of suicide at age 57. Kathy will share her one woman journey to bring education on grief and mourning to a death avoidant culture (which includes our own community.) How do tragedies inform our quest to make change in the world? Come find out at this event!

October 6, 2022: Please join us for our October event that promises to be both informative and inspiring. We will hear from Deb Walker, Director of Strategic Partnerships at The Independence Center here in Colorado Springs. Deb has had an impressive career supporting important causes, chiefly social justice. Come learn about the important work that Deb has done throughout her career and continues to do to support and promote social justice in our community! Registration

September 8, 2022: Forum to Inquire, Innovate & Involve
Eventbrite Registration Come to inquire (find more about how ZONTA International & your Club work together), innovate (we welcome your thoughts & ideas – let’s get creative!) and be involved with the club and Internationally!
Bridget Masters, District Governor is also visiting our Club! Let’s have an awesome turnout for her visit.

August 4, 2022: Our August event was both informative and inspiring. The theme was “Empowering Women To Succeed” and our speaker was Christine Noack, assistant director of development at UCCS. Christine wished to thank ZontaPPA for their commitment to the KPWE Scholarship Program, educated members about this transformational program, shared the impact of the club’s giving over the years, and present the 2022 KPWE Unstoppable Women’s Event scholar testimonial video.

July 14, 2022: Zonta Pikes Peak discussed Zonta’s focus on the environment and climate change, lifting the voices and concerns of women around the globe. Our conversation was facilitated by Liz Groothof Croddy, a member of Zonta Pikes Peak and of the newly formed District 12 AEGE Committee (Action for the Environment and Gender Equality), which focuses on our district (Colorado, Montana, South Dakota and Wyoming), and is working in coordination with the #ZontaSaysNOW movement founded by Zonta District 23 in Australia. #ZontaSaysNOW

February 3 rescheduled to March 3, 2022!: We welcomed Angela Rose, Executive Director of CASA of the Pikes Peak Region as our speaker for February. The theme was “A Heart for Service” and this promised to be an informative and inspiring event!

Angela has been the Executive Director of CASA since 2018, prior to which she served as CASA’s program coordinator. She holds a BS from Colorado State and a Masters from University of Colorado, Denver.

Angela will be sharing info on what CASA, which stands for Court Appointed Special Advocates (for children) is all about, including their mission, who they serve in our community, what their needs are at this time, and how Zonta women and others can become involved with the organization.

January 13, 2022: We are excited to welcome Mollie Bell, as our “Women Who Trailblaze” presenter for the New Year! Mollie joined Ent Credit Union in December 2018 as Chief Development Officer where she leads the organization’s people strategies. Prior to her experience in the credit union industry, Mollie held roles as an attorney, consultant, teacher, and business owner.

Mollie says this about her upcoming presentation, “Every trailblazer leaves a path behind her for others to follow and we each walk on a path forged by others. I believe even our most innate acts of leadership can serve as inspirational, barrier-breaking examples of trailblazing. Together, let’s unlock the secrets of trailblazing leadership and forge new paths!”

You won’t want to miss Mollie’s presentation on Trailblazing Women!

NOVEMBER 4, 2021: Thursday 6pm-8pm Registration: Eventbrite
Fran Pilch – guest speaker, will discuss her new book, Domestic Violence: Tragedy and Hope.
Location: La Bella Vita Ristorante Italiano

AUGUST 2021: Thursday 5th August: 6:30pm

JULY 2021: Thursday 1st July: 6:30pm

JUNE 2021: Thursday 3rd June: 6:30pm

MAY 2021:

  • Thursday 6th May: 6:30pm Gala Awards Evening
  • Tuesday 11th May: 6:30pm D12 Conference Planning Meeting
  • Tuesday 25th May: 5:30pm D12 Conference Planning
  • Tuesday 25th May: 6:30pm Board Meeting

APRIL 2021:

  • Thursday 1st April: 6:30pm Program Meeting
  • Tuesday 27th April: 5:30pm D12 Planning Meeting
  • Tuesday 27th April: 6:30pm Board Meeting

MARCH 2021:

  • Saturday 6th Mar: International Women’s Day (in lieu of General Meeting) ~ contact Karen M
  • Tuesday 9th Mar: Human trafficking Task Force Meeting ~ JoAnne O’N or Debbie M
  • Thursday 18th Mar: 7:30pm STEM ~ contact Liz GC
  • Tuesday 23rd Mar: 6:30pm Board Meeting ~ contact Liz


  • Thursday 4th Feb: 6:30pm General Meeting ~ contact Liz GC
  • Tuesday 9th Feb: Human trafficking Task Force Meeting ~ JoAnne O’N or Debbie M
  • Thursday 18th Feb: 7:30pm STEM ~ contact Liz GC
  • Tuesday 23rd Feb: 6:30pm Board Meeting ~ contact Liz


  • Thursday 7th Jan: 6:30pm General Meeting ~ contact Liz GC
  • Tuesday 12th Jan: Human trafficking Task Force Meeting ~ JoAnne O’N or Debbie M
  • Thursday 21st Jan: 6:30pm Sisters in STEM ~ contact Liz GC
    Tuesday 26th Jan: 5:30pm D12 Conference Committee Meeting (w/ D12 Gov Ann Hodson) ~ contact Liz GC
  • Tuesday 26th Jan: 6:30pm Board Meeting w/Nominating Committee ~ contact Liz GC


November 24 – Zonta Club Board Meeting
November 5 – Zonta PPA General Meeting @6:30pm via Zoom – Eventbrite registration
October 27 – Zonta Club Board Meeting
October 8 – Zonta PPA General Meeting @6:30pm via Zoom – Eventbrite registration
September 3 – Zonta PPA General Meeting @ 6:30 via Zoom – Eventbrite registration
September 12 – KPWE Movie Night! Tickets at Broadmoor World Arena website
September 12 – 26 – Coffee & Tea Fundraiser
September 25-26 – Zonta D12 Governor’s Seminar in Cheyenne (and on Zoom Saturday only)
October 8 – Zonta PPA General Meeting @ 6:30 via Zoom
October 3-4 – Shopping Extravaganza Fundraiser at Outlets in Castle Rock
October 10 – World Holiday Market @ Broadmoor Community Church (9-3:00)
October 22 – Zonta PPA Board Meeting (6:30 pm via Zoom)
November 1-14 – Our ONLINE AUCTION – all hands on deck!

Monthly meetings are now being held virtually. Contact for more information.

April 2, 2020 – CANCELED!
Women of the Pikes Peak Region-Past, Present & Future

March – International Women’s Day

Understanding Why the Census is Important to Everyone!

Registration ends Monday February 3, 2020 and seating is LIMITED so purchase your tickets early to ensure your reservation.

Join us February 6 at 6 PM at Patty Jewett Golf Clubhouse to hear Laila Senger, Partnership Specialist with the Census Bureau. Laila’s outreach speciality has been to immigrants, refugees, women and children.

Zonta believes that everyone should be involved and counted in the 2020 Census. This program is a way for us to understand more about the Census process and why it is so important to women.
The purchase price ($22) includes program and dinner buffet which consists of both GF and vegetarian selections. Buffet includes Iced Tea/Lemonade/Coffee/Water. Price includes tax and tip. Alcoholic beverages are available for purchase from the bar.
Registration: 6p – 6:20p
Dinner: 6:20p
Program: 6:45p – 7:45p (Program)


Amelia Earhart Month – Aviation is a Woman’s World Too!

Thursday, January 9, 2020 from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Registration ends Sunday, January 4, 2020 and seating is LIMITED so purchase your tickets early to ensure your reservation (registration link below).

Join us Jan 2nd at 6 PM at Patty Jewett Golf Clubhouse to hear retired Colonel Sue Ross regarding women in aviation.

Zonta honors Amelia Earhart in January as she was a Zontian and accomplished many things in the field of aviation. We honor her by hearing from other women who have been a part of the aviation industry to find out what they have experienced, how things are changing and to celebrate the success of women with the same spirit and sense of adventure as Ms. Earhart.

We will be hearing from retired Colonel Sue Ross regarding her experience as a woman in aviation. In addition to her aviation experience Colonel Ross is also a business woman, author and speech writer for high ranking government officials. Learning from her will surely be a delightful evening!

The purchase price ($22) includes program and dinner buffet which consists of both GF and vegetarian selections. Buffet includes Iced Tea/Lemonade/Coffee/Water. Price includes tax and tip. Alcoholic beverages are available for purchase from the bar.

Future events will be posted after the planning meeting.