ZI Projects

Zonta International Service Projects

Since 1923, Zonta has provided more than US$35.9 million to projects benefiting women in 45 countries.

Project History 1923-present

2022 – 2024

– Adolescent Girls’ Health and Protection in Peru with UNICEF USA

– Her Health and Dignity, Our Priority: Strengthening Services for Survivors of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in Papua New Guinea and Timor-Leste with UNFPA

– Engaging Girls on Climate Change in Madagascar with UNICEF USA

– Global Programme to End Child Marriage with UNICEF USA and UNFPA

2020 – 2022

– Let Us Learn Madagascar: An Integrated Program for Adolescent Girls

– Adolescent Girls’ Health and Protection in Peru with UNICEF USA

– Global Programme to End Child Marriage with UNICEF USA and UNFPA

– Delivering Survivor-Centered Response to Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Survivors in Papua New Guinea and Timor-Leste with UNFPA

2018 – 2020

– Let Us Learn Madagascar: An Integrated Program for Adolescent Girls

Eid bi Eid (Hand in Hand): A program to improve the resilience and empowerment of Syrian refugee and vulnerable Jordanian women with UN Women

2016 – 2018

– Towards Elimination of Obstetric Fistula and Reduction of Maternal and Newborn Mortality in Liberia

– Let Us Learn Madagascar: An Integrated Program for Adolescent Girls

2014 – 2016

– Towards Elimination of Obstetric Fistula and Reduction of Maternal and Newborn Mortality in Liberia

– Working Toward an HIV-Free Generation Effective Prevention and Response to Gender Based Violence in Rwanda

– Gender Responsive Schools Pilot Model

2012 – 2014

Liberia Fistula Program
With properly trained surgeons, well-equipped facilities and the necessary aftercare, the treatment of uncomplicated obstetric fistula has a 90% success rate. The cost is a mere US$300, a small sum to many but well beyond the means of the average woman in Liberia. Building upon the experiences and progress achieved thus far, UNFPA, with Zonta’s support, during the 2012-2014 Biennium, the program will move from project-based treatment to treatment integrated into the Government’s national health system. The project will be expanded to provide support to women who have undergone unsuccessful fistula repair surgeries and women with fistulae that cannot be surgically repaired (inoperable).

Elimination of New Pediatric HIV Infection and Prevention and Response to Survivors of Domestic and Gender Based Violence in Rwanda
Women and children in Rwanda are still vulnerable to the repercussions of the genocide and war that took place 16 years ago. Treating HIV-positive women, preventing transmission of the virus to their offspring, and ensuring access to health care and reproductive services, as well as preventing and responding to the violence awoken by the brutalization of the society during the genocide, are critical issues for the development of Rwanda and the safety of its women and children. Since 2008, Zonta International has supported efforts to eliminate mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) of HIV in Rwanda. The project is now at a critical turning point with the Government of Rwanda calling to eliminate MTCT of HIV in Rwanda by 2015, which would mean reaching the country’s target goal of a 2% transmission rate which is less than the 5% set by other countries. In addition, the project will seek to expand holistic care and services at support centers for survivors of domestic and gender-based violence to ensure access to proper medical, legal, psychosocial and police support.

2010 – 2012

Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV and Gender-Based Violence in Rwanda with UNICEF will continue to focus on the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV by providing the full range of family package services at 20 UNICEF supported PMTCT sites throughout Rwanda. In addition, the project will seek to expand holistic care and services at support centers for survivors of domestic and gender-based violence to ensure access to proper medical, legal, psychosocial and police support. ($500,000) An addition ($100,000) Contribution was added to this project from District 20 in honor of Helvi Sipilä to support the Matyazo Health Center Rehabilitation in Rwanda.

Safe Cities for Women in Guatemala City, Guatemala and San Salvador, El Salvador with UN Women will continue to increase the safety of women in Guatemala City, Guatemala and San Salvador, El Salvador by increasing visibility and impact by disseminating information on violence against women in the most violence districts of both cities and replicating the experience in all districts of the capital cities. The project will also expand to incorporate the issue of violence against women in the context of HIV/AIDS. ($500,000)

Towards Elimination of Obstetric Fistula and the Reduction of Maternal and Newborn Mortality and Morbidity in Liberia with UNFPA will continue to provide fistula treatment though the proper equipment of health care facilities and the training and capacity strengthening of health care providers to treat fistula. The project will also continue to focus on the reintegration of survivors while raising awareness and conducting outreach among communities and health care providers about the definition, causes and treatment of obstetric fistula. ($500,000)

2008 – 2010

Safe Cities for Women in Guatemala City, Guatemala and San Salvador, EL Salvador with UNIFEM

Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV in Rwanda with UNICEF

Reduction of Obstetric Fistual (Within the context of Maternal and Newborn Health) in Liberia with UNFPA


Afghan Institute of Learning (AIL): Developing Community-based Efforts to Educate Afghan Women and Girls

CARE International: Mata Masu Dubara (Women on the Move) Support for AIDS-Affected Women and Children in Niger, Phase II

CARE International: Education and Leadership for Girls and Young Women in Bolivia

United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO):
Support for Revival of Rural Community-based Self-Help Initiatives in Sri Lanka

2004 – 2006

Mata Masu Dubara (Women on the Move): Microcredit and Health Education for HIV/AIDS-Affected Women in Niger

Afghanistan: Improving Women’s Lives

STAR Network of World Learning: Bosnia and Herzegovina Anti-Trafficking Community Mobilization Project

2002 – 2004

– Reinventing India: Preventing Violence Against Women and Girls Phase II

– Afghanistan: Improving Womens Lives

2000 – 2002

– Prevention of Female Genital Circumcision in Burkina Faso

– Eliminating Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus Nepal

– Reinventing India: Action for Empowerment