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Zonta Club of the Pikes Peak Area |
Ponderings from the Prez Member Spotlight AAUW - Transitions Information: Links & Books Dates to Remember |
Hello Ladies,
On July 16 nine of us had a great time playing Bunco after our general meeting. Then on July 21 seven of us gathered again for our traditional planning meeting. We began with a video tour of Karen Pauley's lovely town home in Houston. I visited her after our family cruise to Cozumel in June. She suggested an area meeting there, and I have her invitation on tape for those who want to see it.
ENOUGH ALREADY! And I am screaming! No more plastic bag newspaper sleeves.
I can't give them away. Starsmore, Bear Creek, Fountain Creek nor Garden of
the Gods nature centers want any more. They have plenty and no storage.
Gracias to all who have so generously contributed.
We all just got our Official Call to Conference, and it'll be great
District Conference A to Z
A ttend the 50th Annual Conference!
B uca di B eppo is the place for Friday dinner.
C arpool with your C lub.
D enver II hosts with assistance from Area 3 clubs.
E veryone will be there!
F ood, F ellowship, and F un!
G ames? Yes! Zonta Trivia Contest.
H otel Four Points Barcelo at 303-262-8041
I nternational Convention video from Sweden
J oint collaboration on a district-wide service project.
K eynote Speaker David Markel is a Domestic Violence Case Manager
L uncheon will be delicious!
M emorial Service at 8 a.m. on Sunday is very touching.
N ominees for District 12 offices in the 2002-2004 biennium will be
O n-Site Registration costs more, so preregister by Sept. 1.
P arade of P residents and Zontians of the Year is Saturday
Q uit making excuses!
R affle our silver and gold baskets.
S eptember 21-23 - Mark your calendar now!
T wenty-two clubs will be represented.
U ntil Aug. 21 get special rates from the hotel.
V olunteerism as it relates to service by Barbara Fera, International
W ebmaster Susie Nulty has the web site ready - zontadistrict12.org.
X citement at every Zonta meeting.
Y WPA winner at the district level, Nell Geiser, one of five
international awardees, will update us on her activities.
Z onta is the best!
ZZZ Wake Up! Register now! See you there!
With thanks to Rita Jones, Wordsmith Extraordinaire.
District 12 Information
A world-wide traveler throughout her life, Susie Nulty couldn't have chosen a more appropriate group to join in 1996 than the Pikes Peak Area club of Zonta International. Her traveling heart still beats strongly as she and her daughter Kylie save their money for a trip to Italy next summer. Susie also made an overseas trip to Hong Kong with her son Michael when he was 16 years old.
Susie was an "Army brat" which may give one insight into her wanderlust. Born in Heidelberg, Germany, she went on to live in Kansas, New York, Virginia, France, and the Netherlands. She attended three different high schools in three different countries (Germany, France and the Netherlands). After graduating from high school, Susie chose to attend Colorado State University in Fort Collins - sight unseen. An acquaintance attended classes at CSU, so she enrolled and hoped for the best. She earned her teaching degree in secondary education (social studies) with a minor in mathematics and feels the math portion of her education may have propelled her into the accounting and computer fields.
After college, Susie moved to Australia for two years to help build a house for American friends. She and her husband lived in a tent on a station with no running water, a chicken coop and an outhouse. During the winter months, they worked at a ski area in the Snowy Mountains, a cosmopolitan area which employed Americans and Europeans.
Susie went on to spend six months in Southeast Asia, where she visited Iran, Afghanistan, and northern Burma which had just opened up to outside travelers. Although it was safe to do so in 1975-76, Susie says she would never visit those countries today.
After her travels in Southeast Asia, Susie moved to Vail, Colorado where her son was born. She managed condos during the four years her family lived in Vail. Her next home was in Seattle, Washington, where she worked for a company that programmed music for airlines and businesses. She determined royalties for artists and companies such as The Limited and Gap. Her daughter Kylie also was born while they lived in Seattle. When Kylie was two years old, Susie came back to Colorado and began working at the American Numismatic Association (ANA), where she has been for the past 14 years. Starting as data processing manager, her title changed to MIS director and she currently serves as IT director and Webmaster.
A busy woman, Susie especially enjoys walking, reading and cooking in her spare time. She has been part of an eight-woman reading group for the past nine years, reading everything from mysteries to Southwestern-based novels to popular fiction. In addition to reading together, the group has enjoyed camping trips, overnight cabin getaways, and playing hockey.
Susie's introduction to Zonta came from fellow reading group member and walking partner, Kris Wells. After helping wrap table favors and attending several Zonta functions, Susie felt it was time to join the Pikes Peak Area club. Since 1996 she has served as Director, Secretary, Newsletter Editor and Webmaster.
Susie's children are both doing very well in their young lives. Michael (22)
is studying architecture at CU Boulder. Kylie will be a junior in high school
this fall and plays goalie for her high school soccer team (her great passion!).
"Never doubt that a small, group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." -Margaret Mead |
The planning session for the Pikes Peak Area Club endorsed the proposed collaborative effort with AAUW and Pikes Peak Community College to work on a one-day conference to assist women returning to college. It will be at Pikes Peak Community College, Centennial Campus, on Saturday, October 27, 2001.
This conference will feature workshops to address the obstacles women face when they consider returning to school. These obstacles include child care resources, study skills and time management, the college application process, and employment/career opportunities.
Opportunities for us to help would be in the areas of financial sponsorship, workshop development, college liaison, business community connection, publicity, and registration.
There is a planning meeting on Wednesday, August 1, 2001, 7 - 9 pm at Colorado College, Worner Center, room 235. We look forward to hearing from our status of women chairman and co-chairman - Nawana Britenriker and Sharon Roggy - the results of this planning meeting and how we might be of service.
What an opportunity for service and community public relations!
Milestones for Australian Women from the Commonwealth Office of the
Status of Women
Summer Reading - Books -- Starring Women - You'll Want to Read in One Sitting
Pikes Peak Library Availability Click on "New York Times Fiction" under
"Best Sellers List"
August 12 | 2:30-3pm Board Meeting |
August 12 | 3-5pm Ice Cream Social hosted by Governor Betty Edwards |
August 20 | No meeting on this day - General Meeting will occur at Ice Cream Social |
September 17 | 5:30pm Board Meeting at the Colorado
Springs Day Nursery (CSDN) 104 E Rio Grande |
6:00pm All Members - Tour of Colorado Springs Day Nursery | |
6:30pm General Meeting at CSDN facility follows tour | |
September 21-23 | District Conference - Denver **Register by 9-1-2001.
Special hotel rates available until 8-21-2001. |
**Please send comments and suggested information for the newsletter to Sufak1@aol.com or nulty@money.org or betlow@aol.com.