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Zonta Club of the Pikes Peak Area |
Ponderings from the Prez Member News Club Custom Fund Raising Project Information: Links Dates to Remember |
Hello Ladies,
Our fall was beautiful but I'm afraid the lovely warm sunny days are coming to an end. That reminds me of baking pecan pies, and NUT TIME is here again. Be at Pat Kosley's at 5:30 p.m. on Monday November 4. Call her for directions: 596-3778. She's providing supper and then we'll bag nuts until all 1,255 lbs. are packaged. Phyllis Zell told me awhile ago that it's her favorite get-together. Come to see if you agree with her.
I was so proud of our club at the district conference. Kate Brewster was installed as the Area 4 Director; Susie Nulty was praised for her wonderful Web Page; Gail Piper was an outstanding Delegate; Rita Jones spoke at the memorial service and Betty Edwards was thanked for her excellent work as Governor. I had the pleasure of awarding Rita a certificate and yellow rose as our Zontian of the Year. This is what I said:
Rita Jones is our Zontian of the Year. She is the yellow rose of the
Pikes Peak Area Club. She is our stem and holds all of us petals
together with her historical knowledge of our club. The scrapbooks
and even the original charter are in her capable hands. Rita is also
a thorn in our collective sides - she's committed to women's issues
and the environment and makes sure we never forget. Rita volunteers
for every service project. She recycles more than anyone I know -
cardboard tubes, greeting card fronts, used pantyhose and the
plastic sleeves from the daily paper. Every blooming meeting Rita is
there. She's the chair of hospitality and brings a card for the
birthday girls and provides paper products for our snacks. She
writes the thank you's for the fashion show every year and sells tons
of nuts. Since 1994 Rita's been on the board as a guiding force and
is our roots. She grows and grows whether we water her or not, and
she even smells good. It's with great pride that we award Rita Jones
our Zontian of the Year, a member of our club since 1984.
The meeting on Monday, October 21 was really exciting. I gave away six pens and wrote nine notes afterwards. Melinda and Stacey from Cañon City had fun, two guests attended, Jacki and Perry Sammons had dinner with us, and Anabela Crooks and Cullen Weaver are very impressive women. We installed two new members - Earlene and Ellen - and finally inducted Pam Sufak as vice president. I'm so thrilled to have a cohort. We'll team the next general meeting - see you there on Nov. 18. Our governor Mary Benoit will be a special guest, a harpist will entertain us, and we'll hear about our local service projects. Don't miss it! |
Happy trick-or-treating! Save me the chocolate!
Zonta Hugs,
Kris :)
"In politics if you want anything said, ask a man. If you want anything done, ask a woman." - Margaret Thatcher |
Friday, October 4
We registered, delegates checked in with the credentials committee, and
delegates and presidents attended a meeting to inform us of our duties and
the events of the conference.
The 51st District 12 Conference was opened by Governor Mary Benoit.
Invocation, Posting of Colors, Pledge of Allegiance, and the National
Anthem followed.
Introductions were made by Governor Mary Benoit. We were welcomed to
Cheyenne by Kathy Carlson, President of Zonta Club of Cheyenne, Sherri
Geringer, First Lady of Wyoming, and Jack Spiker Mayor of Cheyenne.
Proper responses to the welcomes were made.
District 12 2001 Conference Minutes were approved. Introduction of
Conference Appointments were reported. Conference Rules were presented.
A roll call of delegates was called with delegates from each club reporting
the number of paid member as of September 1, 2002. Zonta Club of Pikes
Peak had six club members in attendance as follows: Past Governor Betty
Edwards, Area Four Director Kate Brewster, Club President Kris Wells,
Susie Nulty, Rita Jones, and Gail Piper. The number of miles accumulated
by the six members attending the conference was 1980.
Presentation of the Conference Program was made prior to The Zonta
Action Plan (ZAP) Training Breakouts. Areas Two and Three met together
and Areas One and Four met together. These meetings brought a great
deal of constructive thought and information.
A recess was called for members to prepare for the evening's
We traveled by car pool to The Old West Museum for a social hour and
tour of the museum. Kate, Kris, Rita, and Susie put on some pioneer garb
and had their picture taken in an old time carriage. They looked quite
stunning! When our museum tour had ended we enjoyed a Western BBQ
and entertainment by the Strolling Strings. This group of young people gave
an outstanding program.
We returned to Little America and fellowship with the Governor and
Board in Governor Mary Benoit's room.
Saturday, October 5
We started the day with a continental breakfast, registration, and
credentials check in.
The business session started with the reading of The Zonta Objects,
of the Credentials Committee, and Roll Call of Delegates. Each club
delegate gave the total amount of Service Dollars, the percent sent to
Zonta International, and the total club service hours. Our club has a total
of $2,899 Service Dollars, one third is sent to Zonta International ($849)
and a total of 230 Service Hours.
The 2002-2004 Budget was presented, District Conferences Voting Issues
were presented followed by a morning coffee break.
The coffee break was a fund raiser for breast cancer research. The
was very nice and included a shrink wrapped basket of items helpful to a
breast cancer patient. The basket was raffled off with the request that it
be donated to an appropriate source in the winner's community.
Special presentations were made. Drawings were held for miscellaneous
clubs' raffle items. Our shrink wrapped basket in yellow made and donated
by Kris Wells brought the club $149.00.
A Zonta International Foundation Report was given followed by a report
on 2002 International Celebration, and an update on CEDAW.
Lariann Smith, winner of The Jane M. Klausman Women In Business
Scholarship gave an outstanding talk and thanked Zonta for the award.
Lunch included a very good buffet and program. "Until Someone Wakes
Up". This program was presented by Larimer Center for Mental Health's
Sexual Assault Victim Advocate Program. It was an eye opener to many
attendees. This program was presented by several young people that are
part of a group of forty or so.
The business session continued with a program by Dolores Saucedo
Cardona Ph.D. and Shirley Harris MSN. Their topic was "Creating an
'Ambient" of Welcome. They gave us ideas for helping us bring qualified
women of color into Zonta Membership.
We finished the session with a video presentation by Lt. Governor
The evening included a no host reception, banquet, District 12
Installations, Zontians of the Year Presentations, and entertainment. Las
Angelitas Unides presented folk dancing several young people in colorful
Toward the end of their presentation they chose individuals from the
audience to dance with them. Past Governor Betty Edwards whose evening
attire was accented with the patriotic red, white, and blue, cut quite a
rug with a young dancer in lavender. Mary Benoit gave a special award to
Betty for her support and encouragement. The Past Governors then
welcomed her to their group with a blown glass road runner. Our Zontian of
the Year, Rita Jones, was appropriately honored for her well deserved
Following the banquet attendees enjoyed fellowship with Governor Mary
Benoit and the Board.
Sunday, October 6, 2002
An early morning memorial service was held by the pond on the golf
This service gave each club the opportunity to honor deceased members
from the past year. Yellow roses were thrown in the lake in honor of the
deceased. Rita Jones remembered from our club a charter member, Audralee
Holland. Audralee's hand knitted garments that were donated to our club
and used for a fund raiser were mentioned and her picture was shown.
Credentials Check In preceded the closing business session with the
governor presiding. The credentials committee gave their final report. It
was noted that out of twenty one clubs twenty were represented, along with
nine district board members, one past international president, eleven past
governors, and forty five members. The total given was 110 unduplicated
attendees. The number with guests and unregistered attendees was 134.
The Registration Committee gave their report, we enjoyed a brunch
more raffle drawings were held, area meeting dates and locations were
announced, Courtesy Resolutions were read by Past International President,
Amy Grubbs, Call to 2003 District 12 Conference in Billings was made by
several Billings members, Wyoming Girl Scouts retired the colors, and the
conference ended with closing comments and conference adjournment by
Governor Mary Benoit.
I was glad to represent the Zonta Club of Pikes Peak at this district
conference. It was good to see old friends and make new ones.
I believe that everyone in attendance felt the time was well spent,
with many new ideas to consider. I highly recommend that any and all of our
members plan to attend next year. Billings is one hour from Yellowstone and
other areas of interest. This is a good opportunity to attend a worthwhile
conference and spend some time before or afterward in a beautiful, scenic,
part of the United States of America!
Respectfully Submitted,
Gail J. Piper
Thanksgiving Includes "Killer Cranberry Sauce" that uses 1/2 Cup of Pecans! |
November 18 | 5:30 pm Board Meeting - Gold Hills Substation |
November 18 | 6:00 pm General Meeting |
July 3-8 | 2004 International Convention - New York City |
Please send comments and suggested information for the newsletter to nulty@money.org.
Pikes Peak Area Club Information
District 12 Information
Zonta International